Ahmad Alfy

Blog about front-end development and the web


My name is Ahmad El-Alfy and I live in Cairo, Egypt. I had passion for the web since I was young. I studied and practiced surgery before taking the decision to drop all that and shift for my passion. Front-end development gained my interest and I started focusing on HTML, performance optimization and the new technologies coming to the web.

I've built a lot of websites for people / companies across the globe and helped many with troubleshooting / consultations about problems they ran into.

Currently I work as the VP of technology at Robusta. I moderate several technology related groups in Egypt and I co-host EgyptJS; a monthly JavaScript meetup in Cairo. I also teach front-end development at different venues.

You can reach me out on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. You can also find me on GitHub, Stackoverflow and Speakerdeck. I spend my free time with my kids or playing StarCraft2.